Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Feeling

Oh no, here comes the emo part! Well it's just something I feel responsible to share in this blog. Blog's are supposed to be emo anyway so let's not complain about it! Here goes..

Excited about UK but not too anxious to leave Malaysia. I've never cared much about the place I belong till the time is closing in to leave my home. I just realised that I've actually had the best things in life I could hope for. I noticed I do love Malaysia when I was actually supporting my country in Olympics. Usually I never bother myself with these events. I'm just a simple, happy-go-lucky guy. As long as the sky doesn't fall on my part of the wall, it's okay. But going overseas for further studies kinda get force me to be independent and grow up as well.

Sad(or happy) to say, I've never done any housework before, never cook before(unless maggi is considered), and never had a credit card before. It's not that I believe that house chores are a women's responsibility. It's not necessary for the women to cook for men(but at most times, yes).. Men cooks better anyway, that's a proven fact! But it's simply because I never take the initiative to try or do. And IT'S BOUT TIME for these sad facts to change into impressive ones!

In conclusion, I learn to love my country no matter how bad it is, it's still the place I'm brought up, and I'll cook better than women in time(lol jk).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh hai