Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Thoughts

Animation. A series of drawing that comes to life.

What's the difference between a real life motion picture compared to a mere.. what you call.. Animation? If I'm not mistaken. Pardon my ignorance upon such a lowly form of art, but I see no point at all in imitating a real movie, filled with the finest, best quality of photography that moves in sheer perfection.

Photography. I agree with you that what we see are indeed the finest, best, and perfect in every way.. in the eyes of men. It is exactly as you say. We animators, on the other hand, do not merely imitate such movements as you see through the lens of a camera. To do that, I would agree with you that there is indeed no point at all. Animations is a work of art. We tend to show and exaggerate what we, as men, do not fully realise the nature in our own movements. No one person walks the same as another. A walk, is like our fingerprint, unique.

We as animators tend to animate our characters beyond perfection compared to motion pictures. Beyond perfection in our own ways. Creating the impossible that no men can do under a camera lens. If this is, as you claimed, a lowly form of art, then I am overjoyed knowing that arts is much more than meets the eye. After all, I am merely just an artist.

Let's take a walk and I'll tell you more about the wonders of what we are doing. We're living in a world different from others. We're special.. and it's our responsibility to show the world that everything in the world is not just.. a world.

It's art.

Welcome to my life.


Wai Keat Wong said...

Sometimes I realize you talk like fantasy world characters. By substituting certain words in your sentences, you can insert it as an NPC speech in WOW. :D

3ug3n3 said...

u R so RIGHT!!!!~~~ we are not only artists that produce what we see in the real world, but we also give life to a world of our own imagination, a world no one could think of but only you~

Unknown said...

points given. what we see in this world is not for our bare eyes to see. animation, however, brings out what we can't see... into reality.

keep up the good work Andrew.


Andu said...

haha thanks guys. it's not like anyone's been dissing animation but just a thought. felt like writing it out. lol.

and hey eugene! nice to see u. miss u guys man.

Andu said...

haha justin suddenly only npc speech. but yea sometimes i do talk like that only when i'm living in my own world. or felt like it. it's fun!

Basil said...

animation is silly. i mean come on, shrek? is just boring, not even funny considering it is supposed to be a comedy.

and that final fantasy animation movie? so badly done. graphics can never get close to matching real life.


Anonymous said...

uhmm basin, was that sacarsm or u really mean it ....

Basil said...

you tell me, my pure liddle alligator

Anonymous said...

sorry for calling you basin, typo, well i hope u ment sacarsm =D